
Entorhinal Cortex

Neural Computation

Cognitive Neuroscience

Selected Publications


Keinath, Mosser, Brandon. (2021). Representational content determines the long-term dynamics of the CA1 spatial code. biorxiv.

Ajabi, Keinath, Wei, Brandon. (2021). Population dynamics of the thalamic head direction system during drift and reorientation. biorxiv.

Ying, Keinath, Lavoie, Vigneault, El Mestikawy, Brandon. (2021). Disruption of the grid cell network in a mouse model of early Alzheimer’s disease. biorxiv.

Keinath, Rechnitz, Balasubramanian, Epstein. (2021). Environmental deformations dynamically shift human spatial memory. Hippocampus, 31(1), 89-101.

Keinath, Nieto-posadas, Robinson, Brandon. (2020). DG-CA3 circuitry mediates hippocampal representations of latent information. Nature Communications. 11, 3026 (2020).

Keinath, Epstein, Balasubramanian. (2018). Environmental deformations dynamically shift the grid cell spatial metric. eLife. 7:e38169.

Julian, Keinath, Marchette, Epstein. (2018). The neurocognitive basis of spatial reorientation. Current Biology. 28(17): 1059-1073.

Julian, Keinath, Frazzetta, Epstein. (2018). Human entorhinal cortex represents visual space using a boundary-anchored grid. Nature Neuroscience, 21(2): 191-194.

Keinath, Julian, Epstein, Muzzio. (2017). Environmental geometry aligns the hippocampal map during spatial reorientation. Current Biology. 27(3): 309-317.

Keinath. (2016). The preferred directions of conjunctive grid x head direction cells in the medial entorhinal cortex are periodically organized. PLoS ONE.

Reder, Liu, Keinath, Popov. (2016). Building knowledge requires bricks, not sand: The critical role of familiar constituents in learning. Psychological Bulletin and Review.

Wang, Yuan, Keinath, Ramos Alvares, Muzzio. (2015). Extinction of learned fear induces hippocampal place cell remapping. Journal of Neuroscience.

Julian, Keinath, Muzzio, Epstein. (2015). Place recognition and heading retrieval are mediated by dissociable cognitive systems in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA.

Nie, Griffin, Keinath, Walsh, Dittman, Reder. (2014). ERP profiles for face and word recognition are based on their status in semantic memory not their stimulus category. Brain Research.

Keinath, Wang, Dudman, Muzzio. (2014). Precise spatial information is preserved along the longitudinal hippocampal axis. Hippocampus.

Griffin, Dewolf, Keinath, Liu, and Reder. (2013). Identical vs. conceptual repetition FN400 and Parietal Old/New ERP components occur during encoding and predict subsequent memory. Brain Research.


2021 Dynamic maps of a dynamic world. Psychology and Brain Sciences colloquium. Johns Hopkins.

2021 Navigating spaces. Scientific Queeries. University of Alberta.

2020 Experience-dependent dynamics of hippocampal and entorhinal spatial representations. Innovators in Cognitive Neuroscience seminar series. Dartmouth.


Email: atkeinath@gmail.com

Twitter: @atkeinath

Current affiliation: McGill University & The Douglas Mental Health Research Institute

Current location: Montreal, QC, Canada


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